The Essential IT Checklist for New Dental Practices


Starting a new dental practice is an exciting journey. While you focus on providing the best dental care, it’s crucial not to overlook the role of technology in your practice. As IT experts, BizTech Solutions is here to guide you through the essential IT considerations for your new dental clinic, in terms everyone can understand.

Understanding Your IT Needs

Before diving into the world of IT, take a moment to understand how your specific needs may differ from other dental practices. Think about how technology could streamline your patient workflow, maximize your hygiene schedule, automate dental insurance claims, and help secure your patient data under the guidelines of HIPAA. Your IT setup is not just about having computers; it’s the backbone of your modern dental practice.

1. Reliable Practice Management Software

The heart of your dental practice’s IT system is the practice management software. There is a big difference between software that was created 10 years ago and the new options of today. A robust practice management software can make a difference in how many staff you need to have on hand to handle the day-to-day. Make sure your staff have the technology to schedule appointments, manage patient records, file dental claims, share x-rays, and receive referrals electronically. Look for user-friendly dental software that is as efficient in the front office as it is in the clinical room.  Work with an IT company that is well versed in the dental industry to help you find dental software that fits your practices needs.

2. Solid Network Infrastructure

Imagine your practice’s network as the plumbing system in a house. Just as you need a reliable water flow without leaks, you need a robust and secure network for data flow. Invest in quality networking equipment (like next-generation firewalls and switches) and a professional setup to ensure a smooth, uninterrupted flow of information.

3. Data Security and Compliance

Your patients trust you with their personal health information, and it’s your responsibility to protect it. Data security involves using firewalls, antivirus software, and regular updates to safeguard against cyber threats. Also, ensure your practice is HIPAA-compliant to protect patient privacy.

4. Efficient Hardware

The right hardware – servers, computers, printers, and scanners can affect your patient workflow as much as your CT, x-ray, and intra-oral hardware do. Partner with a local IT company that will work with your software vendors.  Together they can help you purchase the correct technology specifications to ensure high-quality, durable, and fast-performing computers that can handle your software and diagnostic needs. Remember, a little extra investment in good hardware can save you a lot of hassle down the road.

5. Digital Imaging Equipment Integration

As dental digital imaging continues to transform, the storage of this data needs to flow seamlessly and securely. Ensure your IT setup can integrate or bridge with your imaging equipment for quick access and storage of these images.

6. High-Speed Internet Connection with Backup

A fast and reliable internet connection is essential, and having a backup is just as important. It ensures that your practice management software operates without hiccups, supports your digital imaging requirements, and keeps you connected to online resources and tele-dentistry services. We recommend setting up a secondary internet connection with automatic failover. This means if your primary connection goes down, the system automatically switches to the backup, ensuring continuous, uninterrupted internet access.

7. Data Backup Solutions

Imagine losing all your patient records overnight – scary, right? To prevent such nightmares, set up automatic data backups. In the event of a system failure, our recovery solutions can restore your data in as little as 15 minutes. This rapid recovery capability, combined with regular cloud-based backups, forms a comprehensive shield, safeguarding your practice against data loss and ensuring business continuity.

8. Training and Support

Even the best technology is useless if you and your staff don’t know how to use it efficiently. Invest in training for your team and establish a support system for any IT-related issues. Sometimes, having an expert on speed dial can save the day!

9. Patient Communication Systems

In the digital age, patients expect easy online communication. Incorporate systems for email, text messaging, or even a patient portal. This not only improves patient satisfaction but also streamlines your workflow.

10. Budgeting for IT

Setting up and maintaining IT systems requires investment. While it’s tempting to cut costs, remember that quality IT infrastructure is an investment in your practice’s efficiency and security. Allocate a realistic budget for your IT needs, considering both initial setup and ongoing maintenance. You should also budget for hardware upgrades and replacements down the line. At BizTech, we track our client’s hardware and help them plan for necessary upgrades and replacements ahead of time.


Starting a new dental practice is a multifaceted endeavor, and getting your IT setup right is a crucial part of the puzzle. By focusing on these key areas, you can ensure a smooth operation, secure and efficient handling of patient data, and a foundation for future technological advancements. Remember, in the modern dental practice, IT is not just a tool; it’s an integral part of your success. If you have questions or would like us to consult you through this process, please contact us.

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